About PAC

The Political Action Course is once again presented after about a 55 year absence.  You can view two interesting photos of back then, here. The Political Action Course is available to any member of an authorized group as follows:

Political Action Courses were originally sponsored by varied organizations; Chambers of Commerce, corporations (Railroads, Auto Dealerships), and civic organizations (Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Kiwanis) to name a few. We welcome sponsorship along these lines once again. Simply send us an email with your thoughts to: mail@gfusa.net.

The online Political Action Course is automatically presented in ebook form to any authorized group. If you wish to read the course, just email us at pacrequest@politicalactioncourse.com and ask to read the course. Please add full name and address so we can check your group membership status.

The Political Action Course is a  sponsored project of the Gallo World Family Foundation, a I.R.S 501 (c)(3) foundation.


Political Action Courses are nonpartisan and presented as a public service by volunteers. There is a nominal cost to individuals attending said courses for course materials, and some expense for facilitating the courses, however, cost will not be a  barrier to anyone wishing to take the course or act as a discussion leader. You can help defray operations with a small contribution.  Be sure to write “Political Action Course” in the remarks section of the credit card portal. Or, you can mail your contribution to:

Political Action Course
c/o Sam Gallo
333 Lee Drive A306
Baton Rouge, LA 70808