Community Relationships

If you destroy the dam builded by a colony of beavers, they set about its reconstruction, using the identical plan, method, and tools common to their species throughout all generations. Animal intelligence contains no quality that enables improvement beyond the inherited abilities or instincts of its kind. Herein lies the marked distinction between the highest type of animal and the lowest type of human intelligence.

Man possesses the ability to profit by the accomplishments of the past, to improve, and to develop. Upon this ability the development of past civilizations has depended. Upon this same ability the civilizations of the present and future are predicated. Out of this have grown community relationships established in ordered society upon the law of reason, supplanting the law of will, and ever increasing in its benefits to all, with the growing understanding of the rights and worth of the individual member of society.

Coordinated action. - Coordinated group action has strength in so far as its members work together for the attainment of a common purpose - the subordination of self for the good of all. Only by helping others can we help ourselves. "He profits most who serves best."

In the development of her strength, wealth, and accomplishments America is founded upon the establishment of successive communities bound together individually and collectively, by interdependent relationships created and coordinated in home, school, church, and local self-government, as expressed in town meetings in which each individual member contributed his part to that greatest of all forces by which the character of the people of our Nation is sustained and developed - public opinion.