Destructive Idealism

The attempt to undermine the Nation from within is more serious than the threat of armed force from without.

An impractical and destructive idealism called internationalism is being propagated by certain foreign agitators and is being echoed and reechoed by many of the Nation's "intellectuals." Its efforts are to combat the spirit of patriotism, to destroy that spirit of nationalism without which no people can long endure. History teaches that in proportion as nations lose their sense of nationalism they become decadent. Having lost their sense of pride in the traditions of the past, their respect for national standards, their love for country, their spirit of patriotism - the end is near.
Pacifism creates a spirit of compromise with the very factors which operate to weaken the American Government. It attempts to force the Government into poses of internationalism and false altruism, destructive of the real interests of the American people.

Pacifism is baneful in its influence. It promotes distrust of country; debases the spirit of nationalism; is destructive of patriotism; undermines the policy of national defense; cooperates with destructive forces for the overthrow of national ideals and institutions.

Experience has taught us that neither the pacific dispositions of the American people nor the pacific character of their political institutions can altogether exempt them from that strife which appears beyond the ordinary lot of nations to be incident to the actual pride of the world, and the same faithful monitor demonstrates that a certain degree of preparation for war is not only indispensable to avert disasters in (he onset, but affords also the best security for the continuance of peace. - Madison.