Beneficial to Person and Property

The efficacy of our Constitution lies in the fact that it contains a statement of fundamental purposes relating to human associations and plan for their accomplishment, susceptible of such interpretation as to make them applicable to changing conditions.

Among the purposes set forth in the Preamble to the Constitution are "domestic tranquillity" and "general welfare." The accomplishment of these purposes is based upon observance of the principles of interdependent relationships

Law: Uniform acceptance and observance. - The security of persons and property is one of the inherent rights of mankind. It is guarded and guided by statutory laws, uniform in their restrictions and benefits, so that every citizen is fully protected in his rights.

Uniform laws are valuable in their benefits in proportion to uniform acceptance and observance. May a man have complete personal liberty? May a man do as he pleases? He may provided he is not a member of organized society. To attempt such action as a citizen constitutes him an outlaw in such ratio as his independence interferes with the rights of others and breaks down the structure of government. All crime is, ignorantly or wilfully, a violation of the principle of interdependent relationships.

Experience has revealed the necessity for united action to assure the greatest protection to the individual. Neither in person nor property will the individual find security without the assistance of his neighbor, community, State, and Nation. The higher the value we place upon human life and welfare, and the greater our accumulation of property, the more we must rely upon interdependent relationships based upon justice and inspired by mutual confidence and reciprocal endeavor.